Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Journal 8

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) as defined is an umbrella term that is used for communication methods used to supplement or replace speech or writing for those with disabilities in the production or comprehension of spoken or written language. AAC is used by those with a wide range of speech and language disabilities. AAC can be a permanent addition to a person's communication or a temporary aid.
Low Technology Communication 
The low tech that I found for special education was low tech eye gaze communicators. This is a low cost, self made devise that helps those that cannot communicate actually communicate with people that know how to use this device. It is designed for children and adults to speak with their eyes. This device can be created by either plexi-glass or cardboard box just as long as one can see what the other is looking at from the other side. These can be created differently by either pictures, words, or letters in which helps them communicate. The way that it is used is by following the eyes of the person and saying the letters out loud so that one can try and figure out what is trying to be said. This also helps the person with their letters and spelling in which will help them become better communicators.
High Technology Communication
The high tech device that I found useful for special education is an Apple products. The product that I found mostly interesting was the IPad in which has several apps and programs that can be installed for each student with special needs. Some of the functions that these devices have to offer are literacy and learning in which it helps them stay organized and improves their reading. It also is helpful for vision for those students that have low vision or blind students. It also provides hearing options in which helps those of hard hearing and lastly they have options for physical and motor skills in which students are able to change the settings to their likings and comfort so that they can use the device without having to receive help. This device is very useful for students that have a disability especially becasue it is touch screen. They can do things on their own and learn as they go. The device also provides text to speech for those students that suffer from cognitive disabilities.

Input Devices are devices or information that is put into a computer depending if it is hardware or a software. These devices include printers, scanners, a mouse, and mics or software programs.  This is something that comes in handy for those with disabilities for because of the different devices that can be connected into their computer so that they can maneuver things better.
Hardware Option
One hardware device that I found to be very helpful for those with disabilities is a adaptive keyboard in which different keyboards are created for individuals with different needs. They create small key keyboards and large key keyboards depending on the size of their fingers and or needs. Another thing that they create is the position of the keys in which they are created differently for each student becasue of the positions of their wrist and how they are able to position themselves in order to use the keys. This has helped many students in being able to use a computer without having to stuggle with its position. They have constructed these keys so that they no longer have to work with the keyboard becasue it is made for them and their needs.  
Software Option

The software device that I found interesting was the word prediction software in which helps them have to select less keys in order to type out a work. How it works is the student begins by typing the first letter of the word that they want to say. Then what pops up is a suggestion box in which predicts the word that is trying to be created. All they have to do is find the word from the list and select the number that is in front of that word to select it into their sentence. This helps those with disabilities in many ways, many cannot use keyboards that easily and find it to be very time consuming to try and use a computer to type up something. With this software it is easier for them to type faster and doesnt take up most of their day.

1 comment:

  1. Your idea for a hardware option is rad! That keyboard looks insane!
